Address Change


Address Change


Please input your correct shipping address during check out. This is the address we will ship to, and therefore this is the “product” you will get shipping notifications for. You original order will still be shipped, but you will not get notifications on it.

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From this point forward, we will be charging $5 to change your shipping address after you have placed your order. This is a difficult decision for us, but is something that happens *A LOT* every month. It is becoming increasingly difficult for my staff to accurately accommodate so many changes post sale. We cannot simply make these changes in the system, so while these seem like simple changes, they are not.

So, when you place your order, please make sure your SHIPPING ADDRESS IS CORRECT.

If your old address is still associated with your Paypal, Apple Pay, Credit card, computer, etc now is your reminder to go in and change it.

Again, this is not a decision we come to lightly, but we hope this will help everyone moving forward!